Policy Making Menu block


Policy reflects a statement of long-term objectives and measures to address a given issue, problem or opportunity in a given jurisdiction. Policy takes different, and often sequential, forms as they move along the approval process. They can range from Policy Brief to Green Paper (Technical Issues Paper), County Executive Committee Memorandum (CEC Memo) and White Paper (Sessional Paper). Sessional Papers are approved by the County Assembly. Policy generally works through a five-step cycle: Agenda Setting, Formulation, Adoption, Implementation and Evaluation/Review. Policy Making covers the first three of these steps, the other steps permeate the rest of the overall PEM cycle.


Upstream: Constitution, National Vision 2030, Global and Regional Commitments, National Policy, County Long-Term Vision

Downstream: Law, Regulation, Programming

Short Description

Led by the Office of the Governor, and the Lead Sector, policymaking is carried out through a three-phase process with CBEF, County Assembly and other stakeholder involvement and public participation. The first phase involves agenda setting around the sectoral issue or specific theme under consideration. A problem statement is set and its appropriate context and baseline established. A policy brief is generally the main output of this phase. Policy formulation is at the core of the second phase. Working from the policy brief and problem statements, options are explored and evaluated and policy objectives and outcomes laid out. Specific policy measures through law, regulation or administrative action are identified at this stage, as are possible programmes. A green paper (technical issues paper) is the main output of this phase. The final phase involves consolidation and translation of policy proposals for approval, through the CEC Memo for the County Executive Committee, and the Sessional Paper for the County Assembly. Programming subsequently acts as the “vehicle” for translating policy into government action.

For a more detailed description of the Policy Making process, follow this link:

Policy Making Step by Step Description

Laws and Regulations

County Government Act, 2012

Guidelines and Tools

County Public Participation Guidelines. Ministry of Devolution and Planning (MoDP), Council of Governors (CoG). 2016

Bomet County Public Policy Making Toolkit

Policy Development Guide and Checklist

Stakeholder Analysis

Cause-Effect and Means-End Analysis (Problem-Tree/Objectives Tree)

Other Resources

Overview of the SDGs in Kenya

Kenya Vision 2030. Popular version. Government of Kenya (GOK), 2007

Vision 2030: Second medium term plan 2013 - 2017.  Transforming Kenya: Pathway to devolution, socio-economic development, equity and national unity.The Presidency, Ministry of Devolution and Planning. 2013

Vision 2030: Third medium term plan 2018 – 2022. Transforming Lives: Advancing socio-economic development through the “Big Four”. The National Treasury and Planning. 2018