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Service Delivery Partnerships

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Service delivery is the core function and responsibility of County Governments and it is useful for counties to consider using effective partnerships to deliver some elements of their services. Two of these partnerships are explained below, click on the boxes for more information.


Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) Co-production and co-provision of services


Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs)

PPPs can be broadly defined as a contractual agreement between the County Government and a private firm which finances, designs, implements and operates infrastructure, facilities and services that would usually be provided by the county. In PPPs risks between the parties are shared — the project is put together in a way that the private sector gets a reasonable rate of return on its investment, while the service outcomes are also achieved. They offer financial and other gains to the public sector and can help address the limited funding resources for local infrastructure or development projects of the county allowing for the allocation of public funds for other local priorities.