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Long-Term Strategic Plan


The Long-Term Strategic Plan is the apolitical long-term county development blueprint.  Though not required by law, this plan importantly outlines a shared vision of the county’s future, guides long-term investment choices and decisions between and across all development actors in the county, beyond the County Government.  Its national equivalent is Kenya Vision 2030.


Upstream:  National Vision 2030, Global and Regional Commitments (e.g. SDGs, AU Agenda 2063), National Policy, County Policy

Downstream: Spatial Plan, Sector Plan(s), Urban Plan(s), CIDP


As the apolitical, long-term development blueprint for the county, this planning process should be led by a committee that represents all critical sectors of society, from the private sector to academia, from civil society organizations to faith-based groups and professional associations.  The County Executive – specifically County Finance and Economic Planning should play a facilitating role by providing technical assistance to the strategic planning process by setting up an interactive two-phase process built around Sectoral and Spatial Planning Working Groups, and in consultation with the CBEF and County Assembly.  The first phase involves future scenario analysis (with a focus on the county’s greatest assets and challenges), opportunity and threat assessments and a contextual baseline and situation analysis.  The second phase uses long-term spatial and sectoral forecasting to create a long-term vision for the county.  Public consultation, participation and citizen engagement is a vital cog in this futuristic effort




These plans can either have long-lasting beneficial effects on the county or end up collecting dust on bookshelves. Their success and effectiveness depend on the level of ownership and recognition achieved among the public.  This is possible only promoting wide, inclusive and representative participation and by guaranteeing the absence of any short-term political manipulation of the process



Guidelines and Tools


Other Resources

Kenya Vision 2030. Popular version