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The right to access to information. Simplified version of the Access to Information (ATI) Act

Guidelines and Tools (*)

In September 2016, the Parliament of Kenya passed the Access to Information Act to make it easier for citizens to access information. The Act provides a framework for the government and certain private bodies to make available information in their custody and for the Commission on Administrative Justice (CAJ) to oversee and enforce the Act’s implementation.  Private bodies are those that receive public resources and benefits, utilize public funds, engage in public functions, provide public services, have exclusive contracts to exploit natural resources, or are in possession of information which is of significant public interest due to its relations to the protection of human rights, the environment, or public health and safety, or exposure of corruption or illegal actions, or protection of any right.

A simplified version of the Access to Information Act Handbook was developed by the Commission on Administration of Justice. The handbook shows the significance of the access to information law, and the roles and obligations of the seekers and custodians of information.

The handbook is useful for all members of Kenyan society, public or private who wish to understand their rights to access information.  It promotes transparency and effective public participation in governance since it is designed to stimulate discussion and awareness on the right to access to information.