Monitoring is the process by which departments track progress on the performance indicators set in their annual work plans and budgets. With the technical assistance of the Monitoring and Evaluation Unit, each department establishes a tailor-made M&E system that identifies: (a) the key performance indicators for each programme, sub-programme, and service delivery point; and (b) the process for data collection and analysis (frequency of collection – i.e. continuously or periodically – means of collection and analysis, frequency of consolidation and reporting, etc.).


Upstream: M&E system/Indicators Handbook, CIDP, ADP, Budget Appropriation

Downstream: Quarterly Reports, Annual Report, periodic update and review of plans/budgets


Guided by Monitoring and Evaluation Unit of the County Finance and Economic Planning, sector departments – often led by their internal M&E champions – review the M&E plans to ensure that everything is in place, from the individual service delivery point up to the head of the programs, to allow tracking of progress against the KPIs’ targets set out in the work plan and budget (these targets are the quarterly and annual increments of the targets set in the CIDP and sector plans). For each indicator, the M&E plan specifies data sources, frequency of data collection, and assigns responsibilities for collection and processing. A Quarterly M&E progress reports then track the steps taken to monitor this progress.

For a more detailed description, follow this link: Monitoring - step by step


Guidelines and Tools

County Integrated Monitoring and Evaluation System (CIMES) guidelines. Monitoring and Evaluation Dept, National Treasury and COG. 2019

Performance Management Framework for County Governments. Council of Governors. 2017

County Public Participation Guidelines. Ministry of Devolution and Planning (MODP) and Council of Governors. 2016

Other Resources

Developing a county M&E system and performance management system at service delivery level. AHADI. 2018

Extracts on Reporting from CIMES guidelines, PC guidelines and PMS Handbook (AHADI)