The Work Plan outlines and specifies, on a quarterly basis, the main activities, quarterly targets for the key performance indicators (KPIs) and budget resources needed for the implementation and the units/persons responsible.  Typically, a draft is prepared during budget preparation and then finalized after budget appropriation.  Based on the budget ceilings for the various sector programmes, Directors and Chief Officers compile their departmental work plan which is then aggregated at the county level by the Finance and Economic Planning department.  The quarterly milestones of the Work Plan – financial and KPIs targets – will be the reference points for the quarterly reporting and performance management.


Upstream:  Departmental Strategic Plan, ADP, Budget Estimates, Budget Appropriation, Budget Implementation Circular
Downstream: By Products (Service Delivery Plan, Project Implementation Plan), Procurement Plan, Cash Flow Forecast, Quarterly Reporting, Performance Management (Performance Contracts, etc.)


Following passage of the Budget Appropriation law, and with the guidance and coordination of County Finance and Economic Planning, Departments translate draft work plans prepared during budget preparation into final work plans.  These plans are broken down into quarterly installments and set out the activities, outputs and performance targets for the forthcoming year, as well as the units/persons responsible for their implementation. Once consolidated and approved by the County Executive Committee, they are shared with the County Assembly, and other county government entities, and published on the County website for public accessibility.

For a more detailed description, follow this link: Work Plan - step by step



Laws and Regulations

Public Finance Management Act, 2012

Public Finance Management (County Government) Regulations 2015